It is our goal here at Burning Hearts to not only serve globally through planned missions trips, but locally here in Lancaster County as well. With plans of future missions trips and community outreach events.
Burning Hearts, at this time, gives away roughly 10% of all the monies that come into the church, missions is the major recipient.

Steve and RenÉe HOEY
LightShine Ministries - Homer, Alaska - USA
Serving as missionaries with LightShine Ministries, Steve is the director of Alaska Ministries. This involves yearly in-person meetings with all of LightShine's network of ministry partners throughout Alaska as well as new ministry development. He and Renée will also be working through Regent Life Church in Homer focusing on prison ministry and helping hurting/broken people.

Tim Martin, M.A.
The Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR)
San Juan Capistrano, California
Tim Martin has over thirty years’ experience in the field of Christian counter-cult evangelism, apologetics, and discernment. He holds an MA in Theology from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois and a BA in Theology from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois.
Mr. Martin speaks in numerous churches, college campuses, conferences and radio interviews throughout the United States and internationally on the subject of Christian discernment and evangelism. His ministry includes personal witnessing, corresponding, evangelism training, street preaching and consultation. God has blessed him with opportunities to travel to Russia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand and Africa to train pastors and other Christian leaders.
Burning Hearts has had the wonderful privilege of being involved in the commissioning of a small list of missionary couples and singles to foreign countries throughout the years. All have been sent with the goal of seeing the gospel make headway in these different parts of the world.